
cacophony (ka KOF uh nee) Literally “bad sound,” this noun refers to harsh, displeasing noises.

  • “One man’s music is another man’s cacophony,” said Bryan’s father, clomping off to the refuge of his study to escape the sounds of heavy metal that his son relished.
  • The school dining room, with the cacophonous buzz of the voices of hun-dreds of fifth and sixth graders, was not the place for a leisurely repast.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
刺耳的(ka-KOF uh-nee)这个名词的字面意思是“坏声音”,指的是刺耳的、令人不快的噪音。

  • 布莱恩的父亲说:“一个人的音乐就是另一个人的刺耳声音。”他匆匆忙忙地来到书房的避难所,躲避儿子喜欢的重金属声
  • 学校的餐厅里充斥着五年级和六年级学生的嘈杂声,不是悠闲用餐的地方

