
raucous (RAW kus) This adjective refers to harsh sounds or any atmo-sphere of rough boisterousness.

  • The street was filled with a raucous mixture of the cries of street vendors clashing with car horns and the motors of Vespas.
  • The principal cautioned the children to maintain a respectful silence when they entered the historic building: “Our usual raucous playground atmosphere is not appropriate in the Robert E. Lee Chapel.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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沙哑的(RAW kus)这个形容词指的是刺耳的声音或任何喧闹的氛围。

  • 街道上充斥着街头小贩与汽车喇叭和维斯帕斯汽车发动机相撞的喧闹声
  • 校长提醒孩子们,当他们进入这座历史建筑时,要保持尊重的沉默:“我们通常喧闹的操场气氛不适合罗伯特·E·李教堂。”

