
quotidian (kwo TID ee en) This adjective, which comes from the Latin for “each day” means “occurring everyday.” It’s not just used to mean “daily”; it also describes something “commonly occurring” or “commonplace.”

  • Leopold decided to liven up his otherwise quotidian job by wearing silk pajamas to work and telling his colleagues they were the latest fashion in the workplace.
  • Every weekday morning, Marybeth engages in a quotidian ritual that includes showering, brushing her hair and teeth, and having black coffee and a scone. Then, she walks her pet squirrel Zsa Zsa on its rhinestone-studded leash and drives to her job at the animal hospital.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
quotidian(kwo TID ee en)这个形容词来自拉丁语,意思是“每天发生”。它不仅仅用于表示“每天”;它还描述了一些“普遍发生”或“司空见惯”的事情

  • 利奥波德决定穿丝绸睡衣上班,并告诉同事这是工作场所的最新时尚,以此来活跃他原本日常的工作
  • 每个工作日的早晨,Marybeth都会参加一个日常的仪式,包括洗澡、梳头和刷牙,喝黑咖啡和吃烤饼。然后,她用镶有水钻的皮带牵着她的宠物松鼠Zsa Zsa,开车去动物医院上班

