
urban (URB un) and urbane (ur BANE) Plain old “urban” means “relating to a city,” but “urbane” describes an elegance and refinement of manner that is by no means possessed by all who live in a city. Both derive from the Latin word for “city.”

  • Atlanta has recently been afflicted with “urban sprawl,” the unplanned spreading of heavy population growth to areas on the edge of the city, a development that gives rise to major traffic congestion.
  • The fictitious James Bond fits many people’s definition of an urbane man: never at a loss, he always knows what to say, do, wear, drink.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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urban(URB un)和urbane(ur BANE)平原古“urban”的意思是“与城市有关”,但“urbane”描述的是一种优雅和精致的方式,并非所有生活在城市中的人都拥有。两者都源自拉丁语中“城市”的意思

  • 亚特兰大最近受到了“城市蔓延”的困扰,即大规模人口增长无计划地蔓延到城市边缘地区,这一发展导致了严重的交通拥堵
  • 虚构的詹姆斯·邦德符合许多人对彬彬有礼的男人的定义:从不不知所措,他总是知道该说什么、该做什么、该穿什么、该喝什么

