
bucolic (bew KOLL ik) This adjective meaning “typical of the country-side” always has a connotation suggestive of leafy peace and quiet. Appropriately enough, the root is the Greek word for “cow.”

  • Selina likes the combination of rural and urban: when in a city she seeks out bucolic pockets such as small parks with trees and fountains, and in the country she can be found buying bandanas in the general store.
  • Bucolic poetry has a long tradition, for both Greek and Roman poets depict shepherds philosophically discussing life, love, and art, everything but the care of sheep.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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田园风格的(bew KOLL ik)这个形容词的意思是“典型的乡村风格”,它总是暗示着树叶般的和平与宁静。恰当地说,词根是希腊语中“牛”的意思

  • Selina喜欢农村和城市的结合:在城市里,她会寻找田园风格的地方,比如有树和喷泉的小公园,在乡村,她会在杂货店买手帕
  • 布科利诗歌有着悠久的传统,因为希腊和罗马诗人都描绘了牧羊人哲学地讨论生活、爱情和艺术,除了对羊的照顾之外的一切

