
davenport (DAV en port) Oddly enough, this noun can mean two entirely different pieces of furniture—both popular in the nineteenth century. It is either a large sofa, often convertible into a bed, or a small writing desk (which probably took its name from the manufacturer).

  • Fiona sat down on the davenport, hoping that Mr. Beebe would sit down next to her when tea was served.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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davenport(DAV en port)奇怪的是,这个名词可以指两件完全不同的家具,这两件家具都在19世纪流行。它要么是一个大沙发,通常可以转换成床,要么是一张小写字台(可能是从制造商那里取的名字)。
