
abstemious (ab STEEM ee us) While its literal meaning can refer to mod-erate eating and drinking, it’s often associated with not drinking alcoholic beverages—perhaps because its sound is similar to “abstinence” (from the verb “abstain”). (It once had a primary sense of abstaining from alco-holic beverages but may now be used more for abstaining from premarital sex.) A related word for one who partakes of no alcoholic beverages is teetotaler, coined by the nineteenth-century Temperance movement.

  • Accustomed to what he termed “the good life,” Smithers found prolonged visits with more abstemious relatives not only unpleasant but painful.
  • Carrie Nation was not content with choosing a teetotaling life for herself; instead, she won her place in history with her habit of wielding her hatchet in public taverns.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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节制的(ab STEEM ee us)虽然它的字面意思可以指代现代饮食,但它经常与不喝酒精饮料联系在一起,也许是因为它的发音类似于“禁欲”(来自动词“弃权”)。(它曾经有一个主要的含义是戒酒,但现在可能更多地用于婚前性行为。)一个与不喝酒精饮料的人相关的词是滴酒不沾,由19世纪的禁酒运动创造。

  • 史密瑟斯习惯了他所说的“美好生活”,他发现与更节制的亲戚长时间的探访不仅令人不快,而且令人痛苦
  • Carrie Nation并不满足于为自己选择滴酒不沾的生活;相反,她凭借在公共酒馆挥舞斧头的习惯赢得了自己在历史上的地位

