
divan (dih VAN) This noun has many obscure meanings, including “a counting room or public audience room used in Muslim countries,” but it belongs in this section because it chiefly refers to a “a long, backless sofa, especially one set with pillows against a wall.”

  • In nineteenth-century paintings of odalisques, a harem girl is usually depicted reclining sensually on a divan, partially dressed and appearing to be awaiting her lover.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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divan(dih VAN)这个名词有很多模糊的含义,包括“穆斯林国家使用的计票室或公共观众室”,但它属于这个部分,因为它主要指“一个长的、无靠背的沙发,尤其是靠墙有枕头的沙发。”

  • 在十九世纪的odalisques画作中,后宫女孩通常被描绘成性感地斜倚在沙发上,穿着不整,似乎在等待她的爱人

