
virulent (VEER yoo lent) In a literal sense, this adjective refers to a very pow-erful form of a disease. By extension, it can be used to describe any negative but powerful force.

  • “The strain of pneumonia afflicting patients this winter is a particularly virulent one,” noted Dr. Siegel, adding that one Broadway play was forced to close its doors when both the star and his understudy were hospitalized from the disease.
  • “Okay, you didn’t like my book,” wrote the author piteously to the reviewer, “but did your review have to be so virulent?”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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恶毒的(VEER yoo-lent)从字面意义上讲,这个形容词指的是一种非常可怕的疾病。推而广之,它可以用来描述任何消极但强大的力量。

  • 西格尔博士指出:“今年冬天困扰患者的肺炎是一种特别致命的疾病。”他补充说,当这位明星和他的替角都因肺炎住院时,百老汇的一部戏剧被迫关门
  • “好吧,你不喜欢我的书,”作者可怜地对评论家写道,“但你的评论一定这么恶毒吗?”

