
sovereignty (SOV rin tee) Here’s a noun that means “royal rank, authority, or power.” It can also mean “complete independence” and “self-government.” It is generally used to describe political situations. You wouldn’t call your boss your “sovereign” unless you were being ironic about how she wields power.

  • Emma Goldman, an early twentieth-century American writer and anarchist, defined “anarchy” as “the philosophy of the sovereignty of the individual.”
  • The United States declared its sovereignty from England in the Declaration of Independence.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
主权(SOV rin-tee)这是一个名词,意思是“王室、权威或权力”。它也可以意思是“完全独立”和“自治”。它通常用于描述政治局势。你不会称你的老板为你的“君主”,除非你讽刺她是如何行使权力的。

  • 二十世纪初的美国作家和无政府主义者Emma Goldman将“无政府状态”定义为“个人主权的哲学”
  • 美国在《独立宣言》中宣布了对英国的主权。

