
pedestrian (ped EST ree un) Dull, ordinary. Everyone knows the noun “pedestrian” meaning a person who is walking. It derives directly from the Latin word for “foot.” But much less common is the adjective “pedestrian,” referring to language or to ideas. Here it is words or thinking that is figuratively “on foot” as opposed to words or ideas that have figuratively taken wing and soared.

  • Hard work with a talented teacher of writing has made Alexi’s prose much less pedestrian; her last essay immediately caught and held the reader’s attention.
  • Although Prof. Genet’s work has been published in prestigious scholarly magazines, many find her thinking somewhat pedestrian.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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行人(ped EST ree un)沉闷,普通。每个人都知道名词“行人”,意思是一个正在行走的人。它直接来源于拉丁语中“脚”的意思。但不太常见的是形容词“行人”,指的是语言或思想。在这里,是象征性的“徒步”的词语或思想,而不是象征性的起飞和腾飞的词语或想法。

  • 与一位才华横溢的写作老师一起努力工作,使亚历克西的散文变得不那么平淡无奇;她的最后一篇文章立刻引起了读者的注意
  • 尽管杰内教授的作品已经在著名的学术杂志上发表,但许多人觉得她的想法有些平淡无奇

