
remuneration (re MYOON er ay shun) This is a noun that means “pay-ment for goods or services provided.” Salary is remuneration for work done, for example. A good synonym is “recompense.” The verb form is “to remunerate.”

  • The hospital offered Caroline ample remuneration for her work in the intensive care unit because the hours were long and the schedule was very demanding.
  • Carmen considered $20 per hour to be a fair recompense for babysitting the Harrison’s four-year-old son, Irving, because he was very demanding and never went to bed when he was told.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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报酬(re MYOON er ay shun)这是一个名词,意思是“为所提供的商品或服务支付报酬”。例如,工资是对所做工作的报酬。一个好的同义词是“compense”。动词形式是“to payment”

  • 医院为卡罗琳在重症监护室的工作提供了充足的报酬,因为工作时间很长,日程安排也很苛刻
  • 卡门认为,照顾哈里森四岁的儿子欧文,每小时20美元是一个公平的报酬,因为他要求很高,被告知从不睡觉

