
recidivist (ree SID iv ist) From the Latin word for “to fall back,” this noun means “someone who returns to a previous pattern of behavior, especially criminal behavior.” The adjective form is “recidivistic.”

  • The Department of Motor Vehicles punishes recidivists more severely than first-time offenders. Drivers who are caught for moving violations must pay more for each succeeding ticket.
  • The American Cancer Society suggests different measures for recidivistic smokers, ranging from hypnosis to nicotine patches.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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累犯(ree SID iv ist)这个名词来自拉丁语中“后退”的意思,意思是“回到以前的行为模式,尤其是犯罪行为的人”。形容词的形式是“累犯”

  • 机动车管理局对累犯的处罚比初犯更严厉。因违章行驶而被抓的司机必须为每张罚单支付更多费用
  • 美国癌症协会建议对经常吸烟的人采取不同的措施,从催眠到尼古丁贴片

