
exculpate (EX kul pate) This verb means “to clear from guilt or blame.” The adjective form is “exculpable.” “Culpable,” on the other hand, means “guilty.”

  • The accused man was exculpated of the murder when he provided the per-fect alibi; he was in the hospital having an appendectomy at the exact time of the shooting.
  • Whistling cheerfully with an innocent expression on his face, Max came downstairs with chocolate all over his lips; I knew he was culpable for the missing brownies.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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开脱罪责(EX kul pate)这个动词的意思是“摆脱内疚或指责”。形容词的形式是“可开脱的”。另一方面,“可罪责的”意思是“有罪的”

  • 被告提供了完美的不在场证明,从而为谋杀开脱;枪击发生时,他正在医院做阑尾切除术
  • 马克斯脸上带着天真无邪的表情,兴高采烈地吹着口哨,走到楼下,嘴里全是巧克力;我知道他应该为丢失的布朗尼负责

