peek 英 [piːk] 美 [piːk]


Rose: Hello Jack. I changed my mind. They said you might be out here.
Jack: Shhh. Gimme your hand. Now close your eyes, go on. Now step up. Now hold on to the railing. Keep your eyes closed, don’t peek.
Rose: I’m not.
Jack: Step up on the railing. Hold on, hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?
Rose: I trust you.
Jack: All right. Open your eyes.
Rose: [gasp] I’m flying, Jack!



[verb] look quickly, typically in a furtive manner
[动词] 迅速地看,通常是以一种偷偷摸摸的方式


Peek 一词与小站前几天推送的 peer 不仅形似,而且义近。Peek 的词源不详,最早出现于14世纪末期,现主要表示“窥视、偷看”,强调快速秘密地看某种本不该看的东西,常常半闭着眼睛或者透过某个洞或缝隙进行偷看,既可以作动词,也可以作名词,比如:

  • 她曾两次轻蔑地透过墙缝窥视他。
    On two occasions she had peeked at him through a crack in the wall with disdain.
  • 我有种被人监视的奇怪感觉,于是我匆匆向里面偷看了一眼。
    I had an uncanny feeling I was being watched so I took a quick peek inside.

说起“窥视、偷看”,可能不少小伙伴还会想起 peep 一词。这两个单词的含义没有明显区别,只是 peep 相对于 peek 而言更为正式一些。

不过,更让人印象深刻的是美国电影《泰坦尼克号》的我心飞翔经典桥段中就出现了“don’t peek”这个表达,详见下面的影视用例部分。

另外值得注意的是, peek 还有一个有趣的表达叫 peek out/over/through ,用来形容某个东西从隐藏处“微露出、探出”,好比一个偷窥者从隐藏处探出头来,比如:

  • 他的脚趾从鞋上的破洞里露出来。但他徐缓从容的声音和举止表明他出身贵族。
    His toes peeked through the hole on his shoes. But his languid voice and manner suggested an aristocratic pedigree.


  • But when voters get a peek at such negotiations, they see their government offering to alter domestic standards—to sacrifice autonomy and sell out domestic interests, even—just to help the big firms make a few more bucks.
  • Champagne flute in hand, Mr. Obama offered a rare peek at his family’s quarters on Thursday night, by then already stripped of personal artwork that had hung for years


peek” 通常表示偷看、窥视、一瞥,意指短暂的、秘密的或不经意的看一眼。

以下是包含单词 “peek” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. peek through the window – 透过窗户偷看
  2. Sneak a peek – 偷看一眼
  3. peek over the fence – 从篱笆上窥视
  4. peek around the corner – 从拐角处偷看
  5. Quick peek – 快速一瞥
  6. peek behind the curtain – 在帷幕后面窥视
  7. peek under the table – 从桌子底下偷看
  8. peek from behind the door – 从门后偷看
  9. Secret peek – 秘密偷看
  10. peek into the room – 窥视房间
  11. peek at the screen – 窥视屏幕
  12. Curious peek – 好奇一瞥
  13. Innocent peek – 无辜的偷看
  14. Sudden peek – 突然一瞥
  15. Quick peek – 迅速的偷看
  16. Playful peek – 嬉戏的偷看
  17. peek at the book – 窥视书本
  18. peek from the balcony – 从阳台偷看
  19. Stealthy peek – 暗中偷看
  20. peek from the rooftop – 从屋顶偷看
  21. Peep and peek – 偷偷窥视
  22. peek from behind the curtain – 从帷幕后窥视
  23. peek under the blanket – 从毯子下面偷看
  24. Furtive peek – 偷偷的一瞥
  25. Innocent peek – 无辜的窥视
  26. Quick peek – 快速窥视
  27. Slight peek – 轻微一瞥
  28. Quick peek – 短暂的偷看
  29. Playful peek – 戏谑的窥视
  30. peek around the corner – 绕着角落偷看
  31. Sneaky peek – 鬼鬼祟祟的偷看
  32. Quick peek – 迅速一瞥
  33. Quick peek – 瞬间的窥视
  34. peek from behind the bushes – 从灌木丛后窥视
  35. Stealthy peek – 悄悄地偷看
  36. peek from the closet – 从衣橱偷看
  37. Quick peek – 速览
  38. Innocent peek – 无辜的瞥视
  39. Quick peek – 急速一瞥
  40. Playful peek – 戏耍性的偷看
  41. peek under the rug – 从地毯下偷看
  42. peek through the keyhole – 透过钥匙孔偷看
  43. Quick peek – 迅速的窥视
  44. peek over the wall – 从墙上窥视
  45. Secretive peek – 秘密的窥视
  46. peek around the room – 从房间四处偷看
  47. Sneaky peek – 阴险的偷看
  48. Quick peek – 急速窥视
  49. Innocent peek – 无辜的窥视
  50. Curious peek – 好奇的一瞥


peep: look quickly and furtively at something, especially through a narrow opening
spy: observe (someone) furtively
glance: take a brief or hurried look

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
