tramp 英 [træmp] 美 [træmp]
[verb] walk heavily or noisily
[动词] 沉重地或嘈杂地行走
He tramped up the stairs to his room, went inside, and tipped his books onto his bed.
出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第三本《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)。《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》讲述了哈利·波特在学校已经度过了不平凡的两年,传言布莱克是“黑魔法”高手伏地魔——杀害哈利父母的凶手——的忠实信徒,曾经用一句魔咒接连结束了13条性命。哈利的生活因此发生了极大的变化。
Tramp 是一个与现任(incumbent)美国总统特朗普的英文名 Trump 十分形似的单词,在微博上时不时就会看到错将 Trump 拼为 Tramp 的情况。由于 tramp 一词作名词指人时表示“流浪汉、流浪乞丐”,这种错拼要是被特朗普看到的话,按照他的脾性,估计又得在推特上骂骂咧咧一番。
言归正传,从词源上来说, tramp 源自中古低地德语 trampen (重踏、迈着重重的步伐走),其基本含义为作动词表示“重步行走,踏,踩”,多指长时间拖着沉重的步子行走,比如:
- 他们穿上外套,拖着沉重的步子行走在阵阵小雪中。
They put on their coats and tramped through flurries of snow. - 她一直在大街上四处奔走寻找工作。
She’s been tramping the streets looking for a job.
- 我们是经过长途跋涉回家的。
We had a long tramp home. - 女孩们去一个宁静的乡间小镇远足。
The girls went for a tramp through a sedate country town.
- 街上回荡着步兵们重重的脚步声。
The streets echoed with the tramp of infantries’ feet.
而前面说的“流浪汉、流浪乞丐”的含义则是到了17世纪60年代开始产生的,英国著名喜剧演员查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)的经典电影角色——有着一撇小胡子、头戴黑色礼帽、手持拐杖的“流浪汉”的英文正是“The Tramp”。别看卓别林所描绘的“流浪汉”像小孩子一样笨手笨脚的,但实际上十分善良,乐天知命。流浪汉常常帮助弱者,又会以笨拙、滑稽的方式对抗权威。
另外, tramp 还有个美式贬义用法指“荡妇,淫妇”,这在美剧中经常出现,比如:
That tramp treated you like dirt.
——《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
Kenyan women tramp through the same puddles to buy cheap Ugandan tomatoes.
If not, they would tramp back to the foxholes where they had slept the night before and bail out the standing brown water with canteen cups.
“tramp” 这个单词的中文解释是 “流浪” 或者 “跋涉”。
以下是包含 “tramp” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:
- Homeless tramp – 无家可归的流浪者
- tramp the streets – 沿街流浪
- tramp through the forest – 跋涉穿过森林
- tramp across the desert – 横穿沙漠
- tramp the hills – 跋涉山丘
- tramp the countryside – 流浪乡村
- tramp the trails – 走小径
- tramp through the snow – 跋涉穿过雪地
- tramp the urban alleys – 流浪于城市小巷
- tramp the beaches – 流浪沙滩
- tramp the city sidewalks – 走城市人行道
- tramp the dusty roads – 跋涉尘土飞扬的道路
- tramp the mountain paths – 跋涉山间小径
- tramp the remote regions – 流浪偏远地区
- tramp the country lanes – 走乡间小路
- tramp the winding trails – 走弯曲的小径
- tramp through the rainforest – 跋涉穿过热带雨林
- tramp the coastal cliffs – 走沿海悬崖
- tramp the riverbanks – 流浪河岸
- tramp the long journey – 跋涉漫长的旅途
- tramp through the wilderness – 跋涉穿越荒野
- tramp the rugged terrain – 走崎岖地形
- tramp the rocky paths – 走岩石小径
- tramp the dusty trails – 走尘土飞扬的小路
- tramp the city streets – 走城市街道
- tramp through the urban jungle – 流浪于城市丛林
- tramp through the marshes – 跋涉穿越沼泽
- tramp the snow-covered landscape – 走覆雪的景色
- tramp the historical sites – 流浪历史遗址
- tramp the ancient ruins – 流浪古代废墟
- tramp the remote villages – 流浪偏远村庄
- tramp through the meadows – 跋涉穿过草地
- tramp the hilly areas – 走丘陵地区
- tramp the industrial zones – 流浪工业区
- tramp through the urban neighborhoods – 跋涉穿过城市社区
- tramp the forest trails – 走森林小径
- tramp the old town – 流浪老城区
- tramp the coastal villages – 走沿海村庄
- tramp the river valleys – 流浪河谷
- tramp the remote islands – 流浪偏远岛屿
- tramp the mountain ranges – 流浪山脉
- tramp through the ancient woods – 跋涉穿过古老的树林
- tramp the desert dunes – 走沙漠沙丘
- tramp the canyon trails – 走峡谷小径
- tramp through the old neighborhoods – 跋涉穿过旧社区
- tramp the historical districts – 流浪历史区
- tramp the hidden paths – 走隐蔽小路
- tramp the forgotten roads – 走被遗忘的道路
- tramp through the quaint villages – 跋涉穿过古雅村庄
- tramp the coastal paths – 走沿海小路
trudge: walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions
plod: walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps
stamp: bring down (one’s foot) heavily on the ground or on something on the ground.