
halcyon 英 [ˈhælsiən] 美 [ˈhælsiən]




  • Clearly the halcyon days of her youth, when America’s big business was trusted, are long gone.
  • My first, charmed week as a student at Harvard Business School, late in the summer of 2001, felt like a halcyon time for capitalism.


[adjective] denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful
[形容词] 形容过去田园牧歌般美好宁静的日子



众神被她的痴情感动,就将刻宇克斯与阿尔库俄涅双双变成翠鸟(halcyon),从此永不分离。 传说这对恩爱的夫妻在海浪上抚育他们的孩子,而阿尔库俄涅的父亲风神因为眷顾女儿, 每年到了十二月份,他就会平息海浪,以便于翠鸟在海上筑窝,生育后代。因此单词halcyon还引申出“风平浪静、安宁幸福”的含义。


Far from paving the way for a halcyon future of prosperity and stability, the digital era promises to usher in as profound a political and social transformation as that wrought by the arrival of the industrial age.

出自查尔斯·库普乾(Charles A. Kupchan,1958年生),美国乔治城大学外交事务学院和政治系国际关系学教授、美国对外关系委员会高级研究员,美国对外政策研究杰出学者之一,曾在第一届克林顿政府国家安全委员会任欧洲事务主任。



halcyon days指平静的、值得珍藏的美好时光。halcyon /ˈhælsɪən/源自希腊语halkyōn(翠鸟)。传说翠鸟在冬至(12月21日)前后两周繁殖。据说,在此期间,翠鸟会在宁静平和的海面上筑起一座漂浮的鸟巢——这就是halcyon的含义。



英 [ˈhælsiən] 美 [ˈhælsiən]

希腊神话中,风神有一个女儿叫艾尔莎奥妮( Alcyone ),嫁给了黎明女神的儿子、国王西克斯( Ceyx )。两口子非常恩爱,竟然得意地自比宙斯和赫拉。惹恼了宙斯和赫拉,决定要好好惩罚这两个不敬神灵的凡人。于是,有一天,西克斯在海上航行的时候溺水而亡,艾尔莎奥妮伤心愈绝,便跳崖身亡。

众神被她的痴情感动,将西克斯与艾尔莎奥妮双双变成神翠鸟( halcyon ),从此永不分离。 传说中这对恩爱的夫妻在波浪上抚育他们的孩子,而艾尔莎奥妮的父亲风神因为眷顾女儿, 每年十二月份,他就会平息海浪,以便于翠鸟在海上筑窝,生育后代。所以单词 halcyon 还有“风浪平息”的含义。

  • the halcyon days of her youth
  • It was all a far cry from those halcyon days in 1990, when he won three tournaments on the European tour.


halcyon (HAL see yon) The “halcyon” was a Greek mythological bird, a type of kingfisher that was supposed to have the power to calm the wind and the waves. It’s no wonder, then, that the adjective has come to mean “calm” and “peaceful.” It is also used to refer to the “golden days,” the peaceful and happier days of the past. In fact, the adjective is generally not used to describe people at all but rather to describe places or periods of time.

  • The nineteenth-century British poet Christina Rossetti has written: “My heart is like a rainbow shell / That paddles in a halcyon sea.”
  • “I remember the halcyon days,” Ruby’s grandfather reflected, “when it was possible to find an affordable apartment in this city and walk the streets without fear of being mugged.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
halcyon(HAL see yon)“halcyon”是希腊神话中的一种鸟,是一种翠鸟,被认为有平息风浪的能力。因此,难怪这个形容词的意思是“平静”和“和平”。它也被用来指代“黄金岁月”,即过去平静、快乐的日子。事实上,这个形容词通常根本不用来形容人,而是用来形容地点或时间段。


halcyon” 通常用来表示平静的、幸福的或安宁的时期。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. halcyon days – 安宁的日子
  2. halcyon years – 幸福的岁月
  3. halcyon times – 平静的时光
  4. halcyon period – 安详的时期
  5. halcyon era – 平和的时代
  6. halcyon memories – 幸福的回忆
  7. halcyon moments – 安宁的时刻
  8. halcyon phase – 平和的阶段
  9. halcyon days of youth – 青春的安宁日子
  10. halcyon atmosphere – 安详的氛围
  11. halcyon childhood – 幸福的童年
  12. halcyon years of marriage – 婚姻的幸福岁月
  13. halcyon days of summer – 夏日的安宁时光
  14. halcyon period of peace – 和平的安详时期
  15. halcyon era of prosperity – 繁荣的平和时代
  16. halcyon memories of the past – 过去的幸福回忆
  17. halcyon moments of joy – 快乐的安宁时刻
  18. halcyon phase of life – 生活的平和阶段
  19. halcyon days by the sea – 海边的宁静日子
  20. halcyon atmosphere of contentment – 满足的安详氛围
  21. halcyon childhood memories – 童年的幸福回忆
  22. halcyon years of companionship – 伴侣关系的幸福岁月
  23. halcyon days of relaxation – 放松的宁静日子
  24. halcyon period of harmony – 和谐的安详时期
  25. halcyon era of stability – 稳定的平和时代
  26. halcyon memories of friendship – 友情的幸福回忆
  27. halcyon moments of serenity – 安详的宁静时刻
  28. halcyon phase of success – 成功的平和阶段
  29. halcyon days of retirement – 退休的安宁日子
  30. halcyon atmosphere of happiness – 幸福的安详氛围
  31. halcyon childhood experiences – 童年的幸福经历
  32. halcyon years of achievement – 成就的幸福岁月
  33. halcyon days of exploration – 探索的安宁日子
  34. halcyon period of prosperity – 繁荣的安详时期
  35. halcyon era of tranquility – 安宁的平和时代
  36. halcyon memories of love – 爱情的幸福回忆
  37. halcyon moments of reflection – 反思的宁静时刻
  38. halcyon phase of growth – 成长的平和阶段
  39. halcyon days of adventure – 冒险的安宁日子
  40. halcyon atmosphere of serenity – 宁静的安详氛围
  41. halcyon childhood days – 童年的宁静日子
  42. halcyon years of happiness – 幸福的岁月
  43. halcyon days of exploration – 探索的平和日子
  44. halcyon period of progress – 进步的安详时期
  45. halcyon era of unity – 团结的平和时代
  46. halcyon memories of the past – 过去的幸福记忆
  47. halcyon moments of calmness – 平静的时刻
  48. halcyon phase of contentment – 满足的平和阶段
  49. halcyon days of rest – 休息的宁静日子
  50. halcyon atmosphere of peace – 和平的安详氛围


  • golden: (of a period) very happy and prosperous
  • tranquil: calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, worry, etc.
  • restful: used to describe something that produces a feeling of being calm and relaxed
