MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK的又一首电影金曲,《敢爱就来》应该是一部有感觉的法国电影。

艺人: Michael Learns To Rock(麦克学摇滚)
专辑: Nothing To Lose
1997年 百代音乐 发行

There are times when you make me laugh
there are moments when you drive me mad
there are seconds when I see the light
though many times you made me cry
There’s something you don’t understand
I want to be your man
Nothing to lose
your love to win
hoping so bad that you’ll let me in
I’m at your feet
waiting for you
I’ve got time and nothing to lose
There are times when I believe in you
these moments when I feel close to you
there are times I think that I am yours
though many times I feel unsure
There’s something you don’t understand
I want to be your man
Nothing to lose
your love to win
hoping so bad that you’ll let me in
I’m at your feet
waiting for you
I’ve got time and nothing to lose
I’ll always be around you
keep an eye on you
cos my patience is strong
and I won’t let you run
cos you are the only one
Nothing to lose
your love to win
hoping so bad that you’ll let me in
I’m at your feet
waiting for you
I’ve got time and nothing

正当《PAINT MY LOVE》风靡全世界之际,MLTR已经正在筹划他们的第四张专辑《NOTHING TO LOSE》了。1997年9月,这张专辑出炉了。其实在这之前,他们已经在南非,远东地区站稳了脚跟。而专辑中的一首“Something You Should Know”为他们的成功铺平了道路。《NOTHING TO LOSE》又狂卖1,000,000多张;在南非,一个四天的演出使MLTR迅速登上排行榜首,并持续了八周,专辑销量也达到了250,000张,更重让 人信服的是,当他们在1998赴南非约翰内斯堡和比勒陀利亚演出时,评论家们说:“如果这个乐队不比现阶段任何一支美国或英国的大牌乐队好的话,那么至少 它是和他们一样出色!”
